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  Adult Toy Affiliate Resources!

Our ECommerce Affiliate Program:
  • Earn Cash from one of the Internet's Leading Adult Store Affiliates Program!
  • Our affiliate adult store system is flexible & fully customizable.
  • Checks go out EVERY Month!
  • Your affiliate store will carry 7,500 Products! Sex Toys, Adult Dvds, Videos & More!
  Get More Traffic to your Adult Website!

Resources to Help You Promote Your Site

Now that you’re ready to start promoting your money machine, here is a complete list of product and service sites to get you off to a great start in promoting your adult toy affiliate store. We have one of the most reliable and informative Webmasters resource sections on the web. So Bookmark this page, cause your going to need it!


Remember advertising is the key to success.

If you have a good webmaster resource that is not listed here, be sure to email us at Customer Support with your information.

Get Quality Traffic & Hits from the following:

Get Your Own Domain Name & Web Host Setup


You may want to get your own domain name, as this helps your site's credibility and gets you listed higher in search results. Ideally, you want to choose a name that is easy to remember and to spell and that relates to the topic of your site. You can register your domain name here:


The Following Below are Some Web Site Hosting Resources and Promotion tools to Host & Market Your Online Ecommerce Store Site.

  • Grow your Business with Search in NJ, Philly, or NYC

  • Learn How to Make Money Online through Blogs & Blogging

  • Adult Web Site Hosting, VPS, Sex Toys, DVD, Streaming Video, VPS, Dedicated Servers, XXX Templates

  • Services for Link Building and SEO for Adult Companies

  • Accept Credit Cards Online for all of Your Ecommerce Needs. Low & High Risk Merchantaccounts Approved!


    Help to Build Your Site


    It is important to have a well-designed site in order to get and keep your visitors and increase traffic and, therefore, sales. Here we list sites that will help you with HTML and in building your site in general. If you don't want to bother with HTML at all, you can use the web page wizard at Web Alley. Tripod, Angelfire, The Globe, and GeoCities, as well as other free web hosting sites, have their own web page wizards to help their members build pages easily. The combination of a stable site and interesting content will keep visitors coming back. If you want to sell products, your customers have to know they are there. So prominently display the links on your home page. Make sure that your visitors know they can buy from the largest selection of adult products, at the best prices and shopping with us is always secure and reliable. 


    Web Alley
    Adult Graphic Design
    Introduction to HTML
    How Do They Do That with HTML?
    The Barebones Guide to HTML
    Wade's HTML Tutorial
    A Beginner's Guide to HTML
    Authoritative Guide to HTML
    Hotwired's Web Monkey
    Web Diner
    Great Website Design Tips
    Tripod -- web page builders and more help.
    Yahoo's HTML Guides -- a list of HTML guides. 


    Meta Tags


    Make sure you have Meta tags and your title in place before you submit to search engines to ensure better rankings. While Meta tags will not ensure a No. 1 ranking in the search engines (and some search engines ignore them altogether), it is a good idea to try to help the search engines that do use them to index your site and give you a better ranking. You want to have a short title that describes your site's content, such as, "Franks stereo shop." The sites below will help you set up your Meta tags. Meta tags basically consist of two parts: keywords and a description. You will want to choose keywords and a short description that are relevant to your site's content. Keywords that you want to emphasize can be repeated twice in the Meta tag keywords; if you repeat keywords more than twice, however, your listing may be rejected.

    Try to make your main page as search engine friendly as possible in order to help get a better ranking. The more the search engine finds relevant words on your site, the better ranking you will get. You may want to work the targeted keywords in bold/large imprint into the copy on the comment page itself. You can also put keywords in the alt tags of your images and in comment areas. Make sure your HTML is accurate, your page does not take too long to load, your links are working, and you stick to your targeted subject. 

    To get an idea of what words you may want to use for your area, do a search on the keywords you want to target and see what the top sites have used. Then click through to those sites and view their source code. The more specific the keywords and focus and the more relevant they are to your site's content, the more likely you will be to get a higher ranking in the search engines. 

    Sites to Help You with Meta Tags
    Here are some sites that will help you make your Meta tags and get better rankings. 

    Adult Merchant Account Services - EZ Payments -- provides adult webmasters with a payment gateway to accept visa and mastercard on their adult membership and sex toys sites -- makes your tags for you.
    Vancouver WebPages -- makes your tags for you. (Advanced)
    Search Engine Watch -- tips on Meta tags and search engine guidelines.
    Scrub the Web -- checks your tags for functionality.
    Web Site Garage -- helps you tune up for web site promotion Economical Search Engine Optimization -- provides affordable services to opimtize your site for search engines


    Search Engines

    Search engine listings are important to drive traffic to your site, and each search engine and directory works in a different way. To get better results make sure you have your title and Meta tags in place. You can sometimes submit more than one page from a site (see the tips in each search engine). 

    Major Search Engines and Directories -- Submit your URL to the following sites so that others can find it. It is best to submit to each of these by hand. 

    AOL Netfind

    The Big Adult Engines

    SexLinkExchanger - Great Adult links site with a great new way to gain even more traffic! (Highly Recommended) - Good adult engine with lots of traffic to give.

    Persian Kitty - TRY to get listed here. We've found it VERY difficult to get listed on her site, but she has a lot of traffic if you do get listed. 

    Tommy's Bookmarks - Another adult engine. They have over 100K uniques daily. Great place to get listed.

    Link-O-Rama - This site has a lot of traffic to send out. 

    I Want My XXX ! - Great Search Engine site to get listed with. 

    PornDirectory - Good site to get listed with. 

    Promotion (Highly Recommended) - Awesome way to increase RETURN traffic. These guys have created a system that allows all of your IE 5.0 users to set YOUR site as their START page INSTANTLY! 

    SexTGP and SexPicturePost (Highly Recommended) - These 2 sites offer webmasters a way to INSTANTLY create their very own Picture Post and Thumbnail Gallery Posts AND you can use our ads on the site to earn you money! 

    Pic-Post - This site gets over 20K Uniques Daily. Just post a pic and your ad. You'll get traffic back! 

    PicPost - These guys get over 1 Million hits daily. Add a Pic and get back traffic. This type of traffic doens't convert incredibly well. HOWEVER, XXXBarn converts well with this type of traffic. 

    TheHun - You can count on about 10K Unique visitors a day while you are listed here. 

    All4a - Probably the BIGGEST TGP around. You can get anywhere for 15-50K Uniques per day if you get a gallery listed on this site. 

    Add Engine - Submit your site to 25+ search engines free. 

    Sites to Help You Submit Your Site

    These sites will submit your site to many search engines and directories for you.

    The Promoter
    Submit-it! Free
    WebStep 100 
    Virtual Stampede
    Add me
    Add me widgets
    Net Announce
    Virtual Promote
    Affiliate Program


    Sites to Help You Promote Your Site

    These sites will help you promote your site and give you search engine tips.
    Marketing Reference -- marketing tips.

    The Art of Business Web Site Promotion -- search engine, Meta tag tips.

    Hits to Sales -- articles, tools, and resources for web promotion.

    E Page -- places to announce your site

    promote your site -- places to announce your site.

    Northern Webs -- search engine tips.

    The Ultimate Promotion -- submit your site; display your banners, tips on building traffic.

    WebCrawler -- more advanced robot-coding strategies.

    Internet Marketing Center -- marketing tips, newsletter.

    Bruce Clay -- search engine ranking help.

    SEO Tips -- search engine optimization (SEO) tips.

    For GeoCities members -- GeoCities has special banner exchanges and other resources.

    Rank This -- search engine ranking help.


    Starting an email newsletter about your site keeps your visitors coming back. Let those who sign up know when you make changes or have special features on your site. Send them out every few weeks or so, mention and your store, and link back to your site to promote traffic and increase sales. You can get free email lists from the following:
    Findmail -- start your own email list for free. -- start your own email list for free.

    Newsgroup Discussions

    Join discussions that are relevant to your site's topic, and include your site name and URL to promote traffic. Make sure you do not send commercial messages when posting to newsgroups. Commercial messages will be considered spam and get you in trouble with the newsgroup and its members.


    We will be happy to answer any questions you might have:
    Customerservice Department

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